Hi, my name is Geeta Ramakrishnan, and I am an ICF and NBC-HWC certified Ontological and Wellness coach, focusing on Motivation and Change Management. I am based in Dubai for the last 30 years and started my journey as part of HR of my family business in Shipping and Logistics.
My journey from a young girl with personal and professional aspirations into being a wife, a mother of two kids, to my life coach, has been an awesome one, filled with ups and downs of learning and growth opportunities. However, looking back, it is easier said than done. It took ages for me to get my juggling act done as I multitasked through my work-life balance to my today’s happy, successful stage. That stress affected my physical health and caused mental fatigue, robbing me of my confidence and self-esteem. One day, I decided to stop and do something about it. That is when I enrolled in a coaching program, and my life changed.
Our brains, unfortunately, like to attract and reside and reminisce the negative thoughts. And we build our perceptions and paint the world through this thought, resulting in us living in stress, fear, anxiety, confusion, and resentment, as these perceptions become transparent. 24/7 Stress causes our creative problem-solving brains to shut and affects our physical body with inflammatory lifestyle diseases ranging from indigestion to obesity to diabetes to cardiac issues. The good news is all of the above are reversible, and we can change now. There is no age to change as long as you put your mind to it.
I see the younger generation, especially women going through similar work-life balance issues. Some examples are issues related to confidence and self-esteem, mental fatigue, demotivation, and depression. It encouraged me to capture my success story coupled with science-backed coaching methods to create some easy-to-use tips and tools. It empowers people to write their success journey without having to grow older to be wiser. As an ontological coach, I act as a mirror to help people reflect and introspect, and the change process happens.
The uncertainty, chaos, and fear around us are not going to disappear. Yet when we change our perception, our belief system, learn to accept, to let-go, draw our boundaries, look for a purpose in life, and focus on our goals, this awareness kick starts the change process in us. It brings the energy of enthusiasm and experimenting in life. That is a significant change from being stressed and resentful. Time-management skills to just focusing on our breaths and staring into nothing, a great brain gym, helps in this process. For example, if you were in the middle of an argument and are really getting angry and annoyed, take a moment, and take a deep breath in, and breathe out slowly. Notice the difference in energy and capitalize on it. This breathing helps your brain change from stress to calm.
As I mentioned, there is no age to change and to learn. With every coaching conversation, I discover another perspective. It not only helps me grow, but it also helps me stay grounded.
My favorite line I keep telling myself is ‘I am not perfect. Being an OCD and perfectionist and enjoying planning, this statement is a great leveler for me. It helps me be curious and open. It is a great tool to expand your mind. Another brain hack is to sport a big smile on your face as often as you can. Yes, you can fake it. The smile reminds your brain that you are safe and happy and helps access the creative brain. When you work with life- purpose and trickle it down to a goal you want five years from now, and bring it down to your goal for this year, it helps you plan your month, week, and day. It makes it easier to see how you invest your wakeful hours into achieving your goals and where you need to tweak them. Well, while all of these techniques sound easy, nothing changes unless you practice practice and practice.
Geeta Ramakrishnan