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Beautiful people, join us on July 21st for our next ‘Express Yourself’ event with the colorful BLANK CANVAS COMMUNITY taking place at House of Nature, as we bring our attention to the 5th wheel of energy : The Throat, Vishuddha

Express yourself with Inner Seed and explore what it is to feel balanced and grounded as we walk you through interactive group sessions and a healing chakra yoga sequence with like-minded people. Once you’ve stretched your mind, body and spirit, you can join Blank Canvas for a collaborative painting session.

Together we will re-awaken what is already known inside of you. Re-awaken to your essence, re-awaken to your beauty, reconnect with yourself  and radiate your Chakras to everything and everyone that comes your way.

What does healing the Throat chakra mean?

When the fifth chakra is blocked there are several signs, both physical and non-physical, that can emerge. Physically speaking, an unbalanced fifth chakra can cause you to experience consistent fatique, headaches, and speech impairment.

This Chakra is responsible for your communication, self expression and truth. Healing this Chakra allows you to express yourself with integrity. Doing and saying the things that you believe align with your morals and personal values.

When the throat chakra is balanced, you not only feel it, but there are additional, subtle signs. You have more confidence and find you are a more effective communicator. Also, you may find that you have more vivid dreams and dream recall, are more sensitive to the energies put forth by others around you, and are more at ease with the world in general.

When: Saturday July 21st
Where: @honuae, An bateen Abu Dhabi. Villa 11, Marfa Al Bateen street
Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Time: 9:00am-1:00pm
Contribution: AED 250 .
°*No yoga or art experience is required*°
Limited slots. To reserve your spot email [email protected] or
Visit www.innerseeduae.com to learn more about this healing session!

Contact: 0504199195

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