Clinical Private Hypnotherapy With Sarah

You are the master of your own life. If you want to change your life and experience the fullness of life, you must change your programming. To change your programming you must access your subconscious mind and control it so that you can alter your old limited believes. Reprogramming seems to be a scary word. It is not as it is happening in our daily life’s through media, news, marketing banners and advertisement without you even noticing it.
To create change, we have to change our mind about who we are .This change has to occur both in the conscious and subconscious level.
Change in the subconscious level requires commitment, a strong desire and an understanding of how the creative process works at the subconscious level. There are several methods to reprogram your subconscious mind to attract the life you desire and deserve.
During the sessions and your Hypnotransition Program you will learn many of the various techniques used to alter and reprogram your mind which you will be able to apply in your daily life on your own and teach your children, friends and family members.
Hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT has been shown to be an amazingly effective techniques in healing many psychological, emotional, physical and behavioural issues.
Clinical Hypnotherapy has been officially recognized & approved by both The American Medical Association (1958) & The British Medical Association (1957).
During the first session you will be explained about the Theory of the Mind, Hypnotherapy and other healing and therapy modules and techniques in details. You will go through few exercises which will help me to analyse and understand how your mind receives information in order to conduct the sessions in a way your mind understands, easily accepts positive suggestions and achieve positive changes.
Please be aware that during all sessions you are fully under control of what you say, how you behave and react emotionally and physically. My job and duty as a therapist is only to guide you with imaginary visuals and relaxation techniques to reach the subconscious mind .You are the only one who can make the changes and create a new reality through planting new positive seeds in the garden of your mind.
The number of sessions you will need will depend on your goals, emotional baggage and your commitment towards the guidelines or homeworks I will give you in between the sessions.
During the Hypnotransition Program you will learn techniques you can use on your own to apply in your daily life and continue your healing and growth after the program is completed.
An accustomed program is planned and prepared for each client depending on what needs to be healed and released. The Hypnotransition Program is very special and not like any other therapy program because through it you will not only work on the issues you came to the therapy for but will learn many techniques and modalities you will be able to apply in your daily life to continue on your own with ease and peace on the journey of healing and positive change.
The requirements for a client to have a successful journey is: The Desire to heal, Determination and Complete Commitment. It’s simple but necessary.
These are only few of the Emotional, Physical and Behavioral issues where my Hypnotransition Program can help.

Age Regression/Inner Child healing:
Age Regression is a powerful tool to tap into old subconscious memories and incidents that have shaped core limiting beliefs. Age regression occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age. Sometimes called also as inner child healing therapy. In that session will be first explaining about the subconscious mind, how beliefs are created and how to change them! You will also be sharing your expectations on what issues you want to work in so that we have a direction to focus on during the healing. Then will guide you with grace into your own subconscious mind to identify your core limiting belief. After the identification will guide you like through a movie that represents your life going into past memories where the core belief has appeared as a repetitive pattern and help you heal the memories by lessening the negative emotional baggage associated with those painful memories in a way that the incidents become a blessed lesson and not a painful recollection. With ease will help you visit and find the first memory as a young child that shaped the belief that repeats in a negative pattern in your adult life and heal it fully.

Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations or also called parallel lives. Past Life Regression is a very emotional and eye-opening session and can transform old beliefs systems that are associated with DNA programming and other lives experiences! During this session you will be in a very deep trance and I will guide you to a past life (I love to call it a story or a movie to make it less dramatic) that has a strong effect in your current life. Every single event will unfold itself on its own. It is like seeing a movie on the TV, the only difference is that you are the main character. After drifting through main life experiences and incidences of that timeline I will guide you to the time of death where you will receive an immensely powerful message related to your current lifetime from your higher self. After the session will guide you with structure how to apply the lessons in your current life to be free from old programming and repetitive sabotaging behaviors. Past life regression is amazingly effective for cases related to traumatic phobias and fears.

Progression Therapy
It is a form of hypnosis that relaxes you into a deep, yet alert state, that also opens your mind to the potential you have at your fingertips. Future Life Progression takes you forward in time to a place where you can explore the possibilities that extend from your own creation and the paths you choose to examine. During this session I will guide you gently to plant new seeds into your subconscious mind so that they can easily manifest in your nearest future! All aspects of life are taken into consideration during this session like career, health, relationships, live life, health and many more! Also, energetic cord cutting is practiced during this session to let go of any beliefs that would hinder the best possible future. So, it is a combination of energy healing work and mind work. Before going into hypnosis, you will be guided how to actually write first your best possible life script in a language that the universe and your mind understands. After the session will teach you how to create your own personalized vision board that will help your subconscious new life script to be activated!

Aura and Chakra Reading and Balancing
We have seven main energy centers in our energy body called the chakras that combined created our aura that is our natural electromagnetic field. When all our chakras are in balance our physical body can work in peace and harmony. However, that is rarely the case as out chakras easily get ” blocked” through stuck energy translated into suppressed emotions and feelings. During an aura and chakras reading session, the therapist guides you to understand which chakras are blocked, what the core reason of the blockage is and how to bring the energy back into its natural flow. Areas of strength and weaknesses are identified also through the chakras represented by the elements of the client’s horoscope sign. This session is very interesting as taps into mastering the element the client is born under and how to understand ones “life purpose”.
Meet Sarah:
Sarah is an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist , NLP practitioner and Aura Photography Reader.
She believes that we all have the ability within us to free ourselves from the burden that weights us down, reach out to the purity and peace deep inside and fill our hearts and souls with love and Joy.
She has a mission to proof and teach people that happiness is a simple inside job and that life should be
and experience filled with blissful excitement !
I believe we all have the ability within us to free ourselves from the burdens that weights us down, reach out to the purity and peace deep inside and fill our hearts and souls with love and forgiveness, it may just take some professional handholding to put you on the right path, the rest is as endless as your potentials!
- Sessions are conducted online Via zoom
- Session are 2hours long
- Sessions are available in Arabic
- Pre-payment required to book your spot
- Session is designed individually for each client based on the areas of work the client is seeking to heal that is discussed at the beginning of each session.