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Loving Deeper: A Masterclass in Self-Love

The relationship you have with yourself makes all the difference. It creates the foundation for every other relationship you have and forms the blueprint for how people see and treat you. Even your ability to love others is determined by your ability to love yourself. No-thing is more important and yet this is often the one-thing we neglect the most.

In our busy lives we prioritize the needs of others over our own. We say yes when we mean no. In the era of social media we judge ourselves critically, often crumbling under the weight of unrealistic expectations and unfair comparisons. It’s easy to think that nothing we do is enough, and sometimes that even we’re not enough…

In this Masterclass you’re going to learn to STOP this train of comparison, people pleasing and putting others before yourself. You’re going to learn tools to help you transform any beliefs you’re holding onto that no longer serve your deepest self-love. You’ll learn ways to take control of your boundaries, accept your divinely unique self and lovingly embrace the person you see in the mirror.

Join me on this gentle journey to raise self-esteem, radiate self-worth and experience the blissful connection that loving yourself unconditionally brings!

This Masterclass will involve:

  • Meditation
  • Loving, mindful yogic movement
  • Diving into the meaning of self-love
  • Tapping into our heart energy
  • Circle talk: expressive space
  • Learning effective transformative tools
  • Journaling and self-reflection

Before the Masterclass you’ll be sent a digital workbook with the exercises and journal questions in it for you to download and bring into the session.

Registration details:

  • Anyone is welcome in this workshop, no yoga experience required
  • September 19 from 4:00-6:00pm
  • Cost: AED 180  $55
  • A preparation email will be sent to you close to the date
  • For more details email: [email protected] or WhatsApp 0503528640



About Kirbanu:

Kirbanu is an Australian musician, yoga teacher, spiritual healer and voice empowerment coach. With a Masters in Reiki, a Diploma in Spiritual Healing and 15 years experience as a professional singer and musician, Kirbanu uses music, the voice and mindfulness tools to elicit transformation and profound healing in others.

Her conscious music takes the listener on a heart opening, meditative journey into the Deep Self, whilst her empowerment programs teach people to radiate self-worth, love themselves unconditionally and let their unique voice out!

To date she has performed over 600 concerts and given over 100 workshops and masterclasses across Europe and Australasia including Festival appearances at: 2020 Berlin Digital Yoga Conference (DE), 2019 Yoga Vidya Music Festival (DE), 2019 Darmstadt Yoga Festival (DE) 2019 Summer of Love (CH), 2017 Maifeld Derby (D), 2017 Adelaide Fringe (AU), 2017 Perth Fringe World (AU) and 2016 Blue Balls (CH). 


Find out more: https://kirbanu.com ☼ https://instagram.com/kirbanu ☼ Spotify, i-Tunes & Apple Music @kirbanu


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