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Do you constantly feel like you are either on the run, doing things for everyone and feeling that there are still some things you need to be doing but can’t find the time for them? Are there times when you feel like you can’t even gather the strength and energy to do those things, especially if there are for yourself? Are you constantly questioning and doubting whether you are enough? Do you feel guilty when you enjoy as little as 5 minutes alone, or even just indulging on a piece of chocolate without having to worry, share, and/or follow up on everything and everyone?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you have come to the right place.

Women, mothers, daughters, sisters, and female professionals, are constantly expected to live up to certain expectations, including the way they look, act, behave, walk and talk to name the least. Yet, there is this is endless feeling of guilt and judgment when they take time to look after themselves, to love themselves a little more, to do more for themselves, that is completely and entirely for the sole purpose of their own happiness and pleasure.

In the previous master classes we talked about dealing with our Inner Critic, Shame, and how to manage expectations. However, even if you missed those, you now have the opportunity to join us to learn more about how to prioritize yourself without feeling judged, guilty, or ashamed. You will learn how to overcome this scrutiny, by understanding the importance of shifting your mindset and prioritizing yourself, your well being and making time for you and only you. You will also learn how making time for yourself can really enhance your life in all areas and the different aspects of it, including your relationship with others.

You are a priority, and that is not selfish, this is a birthright!

What to expect from this Master Class:

  • Learn why prioritizing yourself is not selfish
  • Learn how feeling guilty for taking care of yourself is actually causing more harm than good, even though this is exactly what you were trying to avoid
  • Become more aware of the struggles you face for not being able to make time for yourself, and why its important to alter that
  • Discover what prioritizing yourself means to you
  • Discuss how prioritizing yourself will enhance your relationship with yourself and with others
  • Learn how to eliminate old habits and beliefs and pick up new ones that will help you shift your mindset and your lifestyle
  • Discover healthy ways to cope, manage, and shift the beliefs and feelings that stop you from making yourself a priority

What the Master Class will involve:

  • Practical exercises (a personal journal is required for these exercises, a pencil/pen and coloring pencils)
  • Discussions and safe space for sharing
  • A Short meditation
  • A Tapping Exercise
  • Time for questions and feedback

Registration details:

  • Masterclass taking place on ZOOM
  • Anyone is welcome in this workshop
  • Cost: AED 220  $63 (including PayPal charges)
  • For more details WhatsApp 0503528640
  • Recorded video available if you are unable to attend
  • Payment can be done either via PAYPAL ( extra charges) CLICK HERE or bank transfer (net price) CLICK HERE  to contact us

About host:

Hala is a Counselor and educator, with years of working with children, parents, teachers, and other professionals and individuals in the Middle East and Australia. With a Masters of Counseling and an extensive experience working with an organization in Australia that focuses on counseling and helping women in particular.  She truly believes in the uniqueness and individuality of each human being, and in the importance of providing them with the safe space to express and overcome their traumas, troubles, and limiting beliefs regardless of their age, gender, and background. She does that by using a Person-Centered approach with each of her clients as she aims to provide each one of them with the support and guidance that they individually need in order to feel empowered, understood, and appreciated. Furthermore, through using various modalities and techniques, Hala aims to teach others how to become their own source of empowerment, love, and support.

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