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It is important to restore your inner balance!

Join a 75-min online session with Laura as she will guide you through a continued practice of Yin Yoga this summer!

Yin yoga is a quiet and reflective practice which allows space for both the body and mind as it has the potential to be meditative. It is a slower-paced, more contemplative version of the popular physical and spiritual discipline of yoga. In Yin yoga, the poses are held for a long period of time. These allow your body to surrender and surface held or stock emotions.

This practice consists of finding stillness and relaxing the body. These poses target the deeper connection tissues especially around the hips, pelvis and lower spine, to regulate the flow of energy in the body.  This online class will have you on the floor most of the time, using as many props as needed to create as little effort while holding poses.

The perfect way to end your day!


  • Yoga Instructor: Laura-Helene
  • Location: Via Zoom at the comfort of your home
  • Cost: AED 95 (excluding VAT)
  • All levels are welcome
  • Pre-booking required CLICK HERE TO BOOK

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