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Join our 60 hours Teen Yoga teacher training program in Abu Dhabi from January 23-27, 2018 for a 5 day workshop hosted by the founder of Teen Yoga, Charlotta Martinus.

This course will help you develop a full understanding of how to teach yoga and mindfulness to adolescents aged 11 to 18, with a special focus on the 13 to 15 age group as this can be the most challenging time, developmentally, in working with teenagers.

For many, yoga proves to be a life changing tool. In the face of abuse or other trauma, yoga gives a toolkit to teens to change their path in life and head for a more successful and joyful future.

This course comes with a fully comprehensive manual written by expert teachers in various areas. It is designed to build your confidence and fill in the gaps of knowledge, looking at the infinite and classic wisdom of the philosophy of yoga for inspiration and blending it with present cutting edge research and science to give us a full picture of how best to approach this population with the healing science of yoga. At the end of this course you will feel completely confident to run a course, either intra-curricula or ex-curricula.

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