Heal Your Soul

“Love yourself and you can heal your life” – Louise Hay
Our healing program helps you get in touch with who you are, your life purpose, your desires and dreams, and spiritual growth. We develop a personalized program to support you on your journey of discovery. Our method is based on empowering people into their own healing path. You will learn why you might be struggling in your life and how to get clear in what it is that your soul truly wants.
Healing from trauma is a challenging journey, and we are here to help you. Through our healing programs, we develop and adopt a holistic approach to healing and wellness, while promoting the belief that it is possible to not only overcome trauma, but also to thrive in happiness and peace.
Virtual Therapeutic Coaching at the comfort of your home

Do you want to create a successful life and happy life? Have you been trying to make a change without any successful results? Do you feel like you are stuck and ready to give up?
If you answer is yes then a Therapeutic program might be able to help you!
These sessions consist of personal coaching guidance, self-awareness and self-love development program. We provide you with a powerful tool to unlock emotional blockage and trigger the change you’ve always wanted. We aim to bring success and balance in all aspects of your life. We help you better your life by pinpointing the changes that need to take place. We will discover together which areas of your life need more attention and energy. We will unfold and define your personal goals, vision, values and priorities all in the aim of improving your well-being.
We will create a conscious choice, take powerful actions to achieve a happy state of mind and reality.
We will help you gain your power power back and put you in the driver seat of your life.
Benefits of conducting these sessions can make the difference of living an okay life to living an extraordinary life!
Some common topics are:
- Self-love & Self-Awareness
- Inner Child & traumas
- Relationships and connections
- Happiness and life purpose
- Communications
- Confidence
- Stress
- Anxiety both personal and professional
- Pain & fear
- Personal growth
- Work-life balance

My experience with Inner Seed was one of the most uplifting and life changing experiences I’ve ever been through.
From yoga sessions to healing and meditation, and the 1-2-1 healing sessions. It changed me and shaped me to be a better version of myself, it pushed me to make the changes that I thought I would never be able to achieve.
It helped me leave the comfort zone that I trapped myself in for years and meet new people. I’m grateful for every person who was / is part of my healing journey.
Sending all of you so much love and positive energy.- Eman, U.A.E, 2021
I am so grateful that life has brought you my way.After knowing you, I learnt that I am capable of changing. I can and will be a better version of my self. I know know that I am worth the time and efforts I invest in my self and i am not a hopeless case. Life has so much good for me n I have seen that myself.Thank you so much. I love you– MA 2020
‘Wish you from the bottom of my heart a blessed and happy new year.I want to tell you that I am really really grateful, thankful and appreciative of the effective and efficient coaching I received last year I am really lucky as that supported me to overcome that obstacle.’ – Hanadi 2020
Chakra Healing

You are uniquely designed and divinely created – understanding YOU is vitally important for a happy life. Your chakras are a big piece to this knowledge and your everyday life. During this private session, you will learn which of your chakras are out of balance and receive direct guidance and support for each chakra, walking away knowing exactly what you can do to bring further balance. Together we will develop a personalized healing program for you to follow.
You can also experience a guided chakra meditation with a pendulum to check each chakra, how it spins & if there are any blockages. Healing and balancing our chakras has powerful healing results on our physical, emotional and mental state and enhances our well-being in all areas of our life, be it our health, career, relationships or self-expression.
Couple Counseling

Relationship Coaching helps explore, evaluate and re-discover the secrets of connection and fulfillment in your marriage, identifying the necessary boundaries, limiting beliefs, fears and unmet needs standing in the way of happiness.
This service is a favourite amongst many clients because it helps married couples reclaim playfulness, presence, and passion for a happier and more harmonious life. We recommend 6 couple sessions, but clients can be seen separately if preferred.
Sound Healing Journey

Reiki Healing

Reiki impacts on the following levels:
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Spiritual
Reiki is a holistic therapy originally founded in Japan that welcomes a greater balance of mind, body, emotion and spirit. This healing energy welcomes a flow through which allows you to experience pure relaxation to your whole being and inviting in blissful feelings of calm and peace. Treatments can focus on a specific area of body or being or they can be used for general harmony, wellbeing and balance.
Each session is a completely unique experience; a magic that is beyond the explanation of words. A warm, tingling radiance is felt flowing through the body taking you into a place of deep relaxation. It’s in this deeply surrendered and nourishing state that the body, mind and spirit can begin to let go of and unravel old patterns, creating a space for the body to naturally come into its own true alignment. The energy always goes exactly where it’s needed, which is why at times warmth can be felt in areas of the body away from where the hands are.
We can work together on a specific area of physical, emotional or energetic balancing, or focus on general harmony and wellbeing. Releasing and renewing so that a greater depth of harmony, peace and love can be embodied and a new experience of life can begin to unfold.

ThetaHealing is a powerful modality. It works with your subconscious brain to uncover unconscious negative beliefs or programming that create your reality, and rewires those programs in a more positive way. Using energy healing, and psychoanalysis this is a great modality for understanding yourself better and resolving deeply rooted issues and trauma.
These sessions are becoming more and more popular due to the ability to bring your body, mind, and spirit to the next level. What’s more, by assisting you in getting rid of thinking patterns which make you ill or form barriers with friends and family, this method purifies the mind, elevates your power and freedom, and balances your life.

‘I’m really glad that I took this step to work on myself and have these continuous sessions with Laura. I started in 2018, where I came with a lot of mixed feelings! I had a lot of questions and doubts about who I was. After each session I started gaining clarity and more focus on myself. Laura gave a lot of tools to help me in my daily life and how to control my life without having others affect me. It’s was hard at the begging but Laura made it easy with her constant follow up and encouragement.I can see myself getting there and focusing more on my goals and dreams. I always recommend everyone to go and book their session and invest on themselves. Thank you Laura♥️’
‘I am so grateful for the time I am spending with Laura. It really lights my way and I feel very positive, full of energy and relieved. This kind of support I would really love to have it on a regular basis. I feel that this is a very healthy way to express my feelings, my thoughts, and personal things that I can’t open up to anyone. Things that are sometimes so deep or dark. And with Laura there is not judgment. She is a very good listener and can explain clearly why I would feel a certain way and have the answers for me by encouraging me to do all the thinking and explore it by myself. I keep learning from every session and improving my way of thinking. Homework and exercices have helped a lot to be more aware of my self, thoughts and feelings. Thanks a lot for your support’
‘Laura is a wonderfully amazing life coach. She is very clear and professional. I had 3 sessions with Laura during a time when I had to make an extremely challenging life decision. She helped me weigh all my options and we narrowed in on my strengths. With her, she helped me truly move forward with life. She has a versatile tool box that can help anyone gain clarity, make great change, and create next steps while having a supportive ear by your side.”
‘Baby steps! Two words I heard from Laura in a yoga class motivated me to start my journey towards change and self love.After a while of committing to yoga I decided to be more specific, face my fears and tackle my issues positively. I realized that i have wasted long time waiting for things to be fixed it around me. It is time to take the responsibility of my life and start fixing things. This was my baby step!!The one-to-one session opened the door in front of me to look in to my soul, understand the the root cause of my reactions and emotions. Most importantly learn to use the tools and remedies to overcome the negativity, the fears and all other unwanted feelings.’
I recently had a chakra balancing session with Laura and it was awesome. I’d never had it done before so I was a bit nervous, Laura was very welcoming and made me feel at ease. The session was very relaxing and insightful and I’ve managed to put some of the healing processes into my daily life and I’m genuinely feeling better, although still along way to go! I look forward to my next session.’
‘My sessions with Laura have brought me guidance and clarity that was not related to any cultural preferences or beliefs. As I have been going through a certain social issue that was impacting my emotional & mental health drastically; the normal thing I have done as anyone else is to get an advice from my closest people (who didn’t go through similar experience – giving me advice according to their experience, journey and values in life) which is normal. But getting those kind of advises and trying to follow them thinking that those were the answers I was looking for but it did make it worse & prolonged the issue even more as it did not align to who I am.
Therefore, approaching someone who understand life & is providing objective guidance according to individuals’ needs was helpful.
As she provided me with clarities that were objective and not impacted by her own values nor influenced by any society’s cultural beliefs. Therefore, leading the way for me to get the answer from within myself and figuring out the essence of the issue it self.’
رحلتي مع انرسيد بدت في ٢٠١٦ السبب كان اني تعبت من الحياة .. و بالضبط “لاعت جبدي” من الدوامة اللي انا فيها .. اريد افرح اريد اكون اكثر هدوء و سلام ..اريد اكون بخير اريد اتعلم اتعامل مع الحياة .. افهمهااا .. اريد اعرف انا منو .. اريد اعرفني .. و ف يوم يتني هالفكرة .. اني بعيش مرة وحدة! حياة وحدة .. وحدة بسسسس .. ابا اعيشها فرحانه و ابا اعيشها بخير .. لاني استاهل و لان قلبي يستاهل .. و ف هاييج الفترة كنت بعد ام يديدة و في داخلي امنية عيالي يكبرون مع ام بخير و سعيدة و ما تعكس عقدها و مشاكلها الشخصيه عليهم .. تعرفت على انرسيد .. كنت ف البداية اسير كلاسات اليوغا .. ما توقعت انتظم بس من اول مرة اغرمت بنفسي و نفسيتي و قلبي و انا ف كلاس اليوغا بعدين حسيت بالخير و حسيت بالنور و قلت بعد .. ابا اكثر .. ابا احبني اكثر
Let’s meet

Soul Talk Session:
The first meeting, often called the “Soul Talk” will be 45 min of assessment before we move to your personalized program. This initial session is key, and an intake form will be sent to the client to complete at least a couple of days before the meeting. The discovery meeting covers some of the big points such as the expectations, goals and dreams, and sets the foundation of the sessions and the coaching relationship moving forward.
In this session we will explore which type of healing is best to start with.
Heal Your Life Today
The way to a happy lifeInvestment
Cost is based on duration and frequency of meetings. We offer individuals sessions and packages of 5 and 10.
Soul Talk session is charged separately from your package investment.
Sessions are conducted F2F or Online
These sessions are conducted by the owner Laura and along with highly qualified Inner Seed team members
+971 050 3528 640