Confident Me Coaching Program

Does a lack of self-confidence hold you back from asking for what you deserve? 

Is self-doubt and overthinking limiting you from taking action on your dreams?

Do you procrastinate and feel overwhelmed with negative thoughts when trying anything new?

Have you lost many opportunities just because of a lack of confidence?

If you’ve said yes to any of these, you are one amongst the many who stand in their own way to success and fulfilment. 

More often than not, self-doubt and fear have killed more dreams than failure ever will. Doubt and fear tend to hold you back from voicing thoughts, taking action and sharing ideas, thereby making you a victim of obsessive self-criticism.  Developing genuine confidence in who you are is essential for uplifting your self-esteem and transforming your social relationships. The good news is, Anything is possible once you believe you are worthy of achieving it.

Are you willing to work on yourself to create opportunities and the life that you desire?

Join us virtually on a month long journey of self-discovery at this training program!

An Art form is about creativity and expression. 

A Science is a systematic process of observation and experimentation. 

The Art and Science of confident me journey with Avneet Kohli will take you on an in-depth journey of self-discovery. This online course will guide you through a step-by-step approach to understand the psychology behind confidence, build the skills and apply actionable strategies to develop core confidence. 

Workshop outline & dates :

Mondays from 6:00-8:30pm via Zoom

  • November 2 Session 1 (staring time 5:30pm for intro) – CURIOSITY

Objective: Understand the psychology behind fear

Key Takeaways: Strategies to elevate self image and self awareness

  • November 9 Session 2 – COURAGE

Objective: Understanding conscious and subconscious mindset patterns Key Takeaways: Install empowering belief systems

  • November 16 Session 3 – COMPETENCE

Objective: Explore the inner narrative and critic

Key Takeaways: Identify knowledge and skill gaps and create a roadmap to execute on your dreams

  • November 23 Session 4 – COMMUNICATION

Objective: Enhance Visual, Verbal and Non-verbal communication

Key Takeaways: Learn what it takes to influence and radiate confidence

You will need:

  • A flexible and open mind 
  • Commitment to taking massive action
  • Fierce courage to stretch your comfort zone

Over 4 sessions you will:

  1. Understand why most confidence-building shortcuts fail

  2. Learn principles to build lasting and holistic confidence

  3. Recognise negative mindset patterns that trigger low self confidence and keep you stuck

  4. Challenge limiting beliefs to create new possibilities

  5. Learn strategies to dismiss negative thinking

  6. Learn what it takes to radiate confidence and influence others

Most common MYTHS about confidence:

Myth #1: You Need to Be Born Confident. …

Nobody is born confident, it’s acquired through our exposure, experiences and environment. Our conditioning, interactions with people, education, travel are some of the sources that contribute to building confidence. 

Myth #2: You either have it or you don’t…. 

Confidence is a skill that can be learnt and strengthened with practice. 

Myth #3: Confident People Have No Insecurities

Our confidence levels vary across different areas of life and roles.



It is compulsory to attend the 4 sessions to get the most out of the training. If you cannot attend for some unavoidable reason we request a 48hours notification. A self-reflection questionnaire/points from the session will be shared with you with a video.

Yes, with your consent and only used for training purposes.

It is highly recommended. It’s the least we can do to feel connected to the girl tribe in a virtual space.

Yes, you will receive a certificate stating your completion and attendance of this workshop

About your coach: 

Avneet Kohli is an Impact & Communication Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Award-winning Presenter.  

With over a decade of experience hosting premium live events and television, Avneet has been the presenter of choice by reputed names such as Apple, Samsung, Amazon, L’oreal, Google and the Trump Organization. In 2015, she was awarded the title of “Best Presenter of India” by the Live Quotient Awards, the apex live talent recognition platform in India.

She has served as personality development faculty in various reputed educational institutions such as the Parsons school of design in Mumbai, Mod’Art School of Fashion, Amity University and EMDI. Her passion for education and facilitating self development in others has led her to get skilled as a professional coach. 

As a professionally trained and experienced coach, Avneet works with her clients inside out to shift their mindset, build self-confidence, acquire soft skills  and communicate with impact. 


  • Co-Active Coach certified by the oldest and largest coach training school in the world – the Co-Active Training Institute (ICF Accredited)
  • Certified in Image & Professional development, London Image Institute trained by Master Image veteran Lynne Marks. 
  • Certified Image Consultant, Image Consulting Business Institute, India.

Confidence is an internal and external process. Don’t try to look for a quick fix. -Avneet Kohli

Booking Details:

  • Cost: AED 1,200 ( including the 4-session package)
  • Sessions are conducted online via zoom
  • Application & consent forms will be required
  • A preparation email will be sent 1 week prior to the workshop
  • For more details email: or call us on 0503528640

‘The workshop assured me and helped in becoming more confident from within. That now I am the validator of myself, emotions, value & worth. And I believe the gap of 1 week between the sessions was helpful in allowing me to digest the new information and knowledge at my own pace and be able to implement it into my life. The scientific information was really interesting that I am using it right now to understand my behavior and pattern in terms of whether I was shying away of being confident or confronting my fears. What I loved the most is that there is no one way to reaching confidence, and that is really assuring to me as I like to be free in my approaches and knowing that I can play in different fields and experience different journeys’ will be my way to get closure to my confident higher self.’